Thursday, June 24, 2010

Is there a more gentle alternative to Benzoyl Peroxide?

?Is there a more gentle alternative to Benzoyl Peroxide?
I like the products from Bee-Luscious Cosmetics. They have some acne treatments that contain sulfur instead of benzoyle peroxide (they also have products with it too). They also have some with salicylic acid and special cleaners and moisturizers for acne prone skin. I would email them (I did) and tell them what you have tried and they will send you some sample to try and see what works for you. Just do a Yahoo search for Bee-Luscious Cosmetics or just go to I hope this helps you.Is there a more gentle alternative to Benzoyl Peroxide?
Benzoyl Peroxide has different strengths. Much of what you buy in topical acne cream is 10%. Some soap is 10% or 5%. I use a loreal acne system (similar to proactiv) which uses a 2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide cream.

Check the label to see the % strength. Use a lower percentage (maybe one for sensitive skin) and use it less often if drying occurs.

You can also use salicylic acid at a 2% concentration which is found in most acne washes and in Sea Breeze and other cleansers.
I use Burt's Bees Blemish Stick. It doesn't dry my skin out, it's all natural, and it contains the tea tree oil other people have recommended - as well as several other antibacterial ingredients to help kill the bacteria that makes the blemish worse. (and it smells good).

Be warned that it will sting if you have broken skin because it contains some alcohol.
well there are benzoyl peroxide skin lotions if the liquid form is drying out your skin. it has about the same effect but doesnt make your skin dry out or sting, only tingles slightly.
Yes there is';An Product that would be useful

called Proactiv it cleans out dirt %26amp; heals pimples real well

vs Clearsil Medicated Pads


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try the edible pills. Instead of topical treatments that may damage skin or is good for skin, but not effective for acne, the edible pills will basically prevent acne causing germs from forming in the first place, so instead of treating pimples and acne, you are preventing them.
Salicylic acid is the primary commercial alternative for acne treatments, but it's function is a little different. Both salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide increase the rate of exfoliation (which prevents pores from clogging up and helps reduce bacteria count). This is also how aspirin-based acne home remedies work; aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid.

However, Benzoyl Peroxide is also an antibacterial. Tea tree oil, which has also been recommended and is found in some skin care products is also very effective against bacteria. While pure tea tree oil can be purchased, most indications for the skin suggest dilution. Facial cleansers, toners, and spot treatments with tea tree oil are available from The Body Shop, brands like Dr. Bronner's and Burt's Bees available at natural food stores, and lots of other places.

The first time I used Proactiv Solution, which contains Benzoyl Peroxide, it made my face red, puffy, and itchy for days. This diminished with continued use and it was moderately effective against my acne, but I also felt it was too harsh. I now use a gentle cleanser that contains salicylic acid (Philosophy ';Purity';) or Cetaphil mixed with a little baking soda (a mechanical exfoliant) and when I get blemishes I spot treat them with Dr. Burts Blemish Stick (which contains tea tree oil). I also take cod liver oil to make sure I'm getting enough vitamin D, and if you find that your skin improves when you spend time in the sun that may help you as well, but don't take more than the daily recommended allowance.
some topic anibiotics are great!
tea tree oil works almost the same way as benzoyl peroxide. its not as harsh and its completely natural too.
Benzoyl Peroxide (BP) is actually not harsh if used the right way. A lot of the over the counter acne medicines use 10% BP, which is not good because it causes excessive drying. BP in large amounts but in less concentration has helped me tremendously. I've been using a product called clear skin regimen. It has 2.5% BP. You can check it out at I use the BP once a day and facial moisturizer every few days if it seems it gets a lil dry. I've tried 50 different kinds of acne medicines but this is the only one that has cleared it up. Hope it works for you.
2% Salicyclic Acid
Shea Butter is a great and wonderful healthy non-irritating product. Mixed with Lavender oil will do wonders for blemishes. However you must avoid all chocolates and acidic caffeine drinks. Water (8 glasses per day) is a must. Work from the inside out, that is the solution.
I normally don't recommend pharmaceuticals because of their harmful side effects, however salycilic acid is a much better alternative to the very harsh Benzyl Peroxide.

A much better alternative in my opinion are Aveda Skin and Hair Care Products.

Aveda was founded by a French herbal bio-chemist and they use nothing but pure botanical extracts and derivatives to make their fine line of skin and hair care products.

I've been using their stuff for years and my acne cleared up in no time flat. It's non-comedogenic, they would never think of using ingredients like mineral oil (which suffocates and irritates your skin, and causes acne), Aveda products are PH balanced, fragrance free or naturally fragranced with botanics.
i heard sulfur works well. it's in some cleansers and ointments, you just have to look for it on the label
Yes.Take life easy and grow old gracefully and admire your grey hair
Benzoin be a gentle natural not same as Bezoyl !
A makeup artist told my daughter to use baking soda as a scrub every other day and on the opposite days to rinse face with juice from a lemon or lime...which ever one is one sale at the time. The juice helps bring zit to surface and baking soda help exfolitate your skin and dry up the zit. Be sure to use a oil free moisturizer too. The baking soda is a good scrub for the entire body about once a week...makes you skin really soft.
I have heard of a thing called Proactiv that some people have used and one of its selling points is that it isn't harsh like benzoyl peroxide.
Salicylic Acid works for me

try a cleanser with it and your skin will approve
Tea Tree Oil. It's the best natural acne medicine!
Go to a dermatologist and get some prescription medicine. Benzoyl Peroxide really does not work very well.

PS acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) is also a good facial mask dissolved in a little warm water but the best is a doctor's prescription.
salicylic acid. Clean and Clear has it.
No, if you are talking about the 5% non-prescription stregth. (It comes in 10% and 20% but you require a prescription for it). Salicylic Acid is less irritating, but it's not as good as Benzoyl Peroxide. However, you can increase your tolerance to it, and make it less irritating by following these steps. One the first day you use Benzoyl Peroxide, apply it to your face half an hour before bedtime, then take it off before you go to bed. Each couple of days increase the duration you leave it on by half an hour. (i.e then leave it on for an hour, then an hour and half, then two hours) then take it off again before you go to bed. When you've reached four hours, you should be okay leaving it on your whole face the whole night with less irritation,

Another tip, always wear sunscreen, because benzoyl peroxide makes your skin more sensitive to the sun, resulting in a quicker burn, thus it will irritate your skin more. That's also why you want to put it on at night, versus the day where you have contact with the sun.
I like to use salicylic acid with a bit of a skin softener to make sure the solution doesn't dry out my skin. what you should do is use either the Benzoyl Peroxide or the salicylic acid at night when you sleep so that it could really repair your skin and kill the breakouts. In the morning, stick with lotions that have Vitamin E and sunscreen, because most of your breakouts come from the sun and the environment. Practice washing your face with a gentle cleanser 2-3 times a day.
Overnight, a zinc ointment like Sudocreme is really effective, and gentle. I also find that spot dots are great. They are plastic sticky-backed circles you apply, (you buy 20, ten to a strip) and they stop you touching the blemishes %26amp; adding more damage to the area, and seem to heal up the worst spots overnight.

Tea-tree oil - OK for a rinse before applying other treatments. One other thing a neighbour uses is Vitamin E capsules. She snips them at one end and gently rubs them into her skin. Her skin looks great to me. I guess we all find what works for us.
Acne is a skin condition that causes spots. Most people affected by acne are aged between 12 and 25.1 However, men and women in their 30s and 40s can also suffer. There are many treatments available to help deal with the condition

Topical treatments

There are several topical treatments you may be prescribed including those listed below:

azelaic acid (Skinoren) is an alternative to benzoyl peroxide and may not make your skin as sore as benzoyl peroxide7

topical retinoids (eg Adapalene) are medicines based on vitamin A, which are rubbed into the skin once or twice a day.7 They work by encouraging the outer layer of skin to flake off

a topical antibiotic lotion applied to the skin can be used to control the P. acnes bacteria (eg Dalacin T). Treatment needs to continue for at least six months. Preparations that combine an antibiotic with other acne medication are available (eg Benzamycin which combines an antibiotic with benzoyl peroxide)7



I'm not for sure
about as gentle as it comes as a cleanser, when the bubbles show white, slap on the band-aid, and repeat tomorrow
some of the prescription creams are very gentle. See your dermatologist

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